Build your first Swift command-line tool with ArgumentParser

Ajith Renjala
Tarka Labs Blog
Published in
10 min readApr 18, 2023


Artwork by Gaurav Singh

As a writer, I’ve been using a minimalist editor called Typora to write my articles, and I absolutely love it. However, I realized that I wanted to be able to analyze the time it takes for readers to go through my articles. This led me to the idea of building a simple command-line tool to estimate the reading time of an input file.

Command-line tools are an efficient way for developers to complete a variety of tasks. Using Swift Package Manager (SPM) and swift-argument-parser, it’s now super easy to create command-line tools in Swift. In this post, let’s walk through the process of building a tool to estimate reading time using these tools. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a basic understanding of how to create command-line tools in Swift and be able to apply this knowledge to your own ideas.

Setting up the project

Let’s build a simple tool called Readometer (Read-o-meter) that reads an input file, counts the words, estimates the reading time and displays the outcome. You’ll be using Xcode and Swift Package Manager (SPM) to create your tool.

To get started, you need to set up our project and there are two ways to go about it.

Option 1: Using Commands

To begin with, you can create a Swift Package using the following commands.

$ mkdir Readometer
$ cd Readometer
$ swift package init --type executable

The command automatically takes the folder name as the name of the executable and generates a basic setup. You can then try following commands to see it in action.

$ swift build
$ swift run

To continue further with customizing this basic template to fit your needs, launch the project in Xcode.

$ xed Package.swift

Xcode can now directly open “Package.swift” to edit sources, run tests, and so on. Give it a try!

Finally, you need to add the swift-argument-parser — Apple’s open-sourced framework for straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift — as a dependency to your package, and then include "ArgumentParser" as a dependency for your executable target. Your "Package.swift" file will end up looking like this:

// swift-tools-version: 5.8
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "Readometer",
products: [
name: "readometer",
targets: ["Readometer"]
dependencies: [
.package(url: "",.upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
targets: [
name: "Readometer",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser"),
path: "Sources"

Option 2: Using Xcode

Or alternatively, you can just use Xcode’s new project template and choose the Command Line Tool application under macOS (as shown in the picture below).

Xcode’s new project template for CLI

Then, in a typical way, under the Package Dependencies section of the project, search for ‘swift-argument-parser’ and select it.

With these steps, you’ll now have a new Swift command-line tool project set up in Xcode with ArgumentParser added as a dependency. You can now move on to the next step of defining your command-line arguments.

Defining command-line arguments

Now that you have your project set up, it’s time to define the expectations. Once you’ve built the readometer tool, you should be able to run it like this:

$ readometer estimate <a file path> --verbose
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The command in the code above is ‘readometer’, the subcommand is ‘estimate’, ‘a file path’ would be an argument, and a flag is appended.

Create a command that directly accepts the file path argument using ArgumentParser. Subcommand and flag options can wait till later.

// Readometer.swift
import ArgumentParser

struct Readometer: ParsableCommand {
@Argument var filePath: String

static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "A Swift command-line tool for estimating the reading time of articles."

mutating func run() throws {
// 1. Extract only text contents from the file
// let plainText = try Readometer.getFileContents(from: inputFile)

// 2. Calculate the estimated reading time in minutes..
// let wordCount = Readometer.wordCount(from: plainText)
// let avgReadingSpeed = 200
// let readingTime = Double(wordCount) / Double(avgReadingSpeed)

// 3. print the estimated reading time..
print("✨✨✨\nEstimated reading time: [readingTime] minutes\n✨✨✨")

Here is what you can do to get the code as seen above:

  1. Rename the file ‘main.swift’ to ‘Readometer.swift’ and define a struct that follows the ParsableCommand protocol.
  2. Did you notice that the type is prefixed with @main? That denotes the starting point of your command's execution.
  3. A property wrapper prefixed with @Argument acts as a positional command-line input. filePath is the first command-line input in this scenario.
  4. You must implement all of your logic in the run() method.

Note: The Swift compiler uses either the type marked with @main or a ‘main.swift’ file as the entry point for an executable program. You may use one or the other, but not both.

With these steps, you’ve defined your first command-line arguments and are ready to move on to implementing the subcommand of your tool.

You can always see how it works by executing the following commands:

$ swift build 
$ swift run readometer /Desktop/Files/

To introduce the subcommand estimate, let's refactor the Readometer type as shown below.

// Readometer.swift
import ArgumentParser

struct Readometer: ParsableCommand {
static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "A Swift command-line tool for estimating the reading time of articles.",
subcommands: [Estimate.self]

struct Estimate: ParsableCommand {
@Argument var filePath: String

// Defines the average reading speed in words per minute (wpm)
static let averageReadingSpeed = 200

static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(abstract: "Estimates Reading Time.")

mutating func run() throws {
// 1. Extract only text contents from the file
// let plainText = try Readometer.getFileContents(from: filePath)

// 2. Calculate the estimated reading time in minutes..
// let wordCount = Readometer.wordCount(from: plainText)
// let avgReadingSpeed = Readometer.Estimate.averageReadingSpeed
// let readingTime = Double(wordCount) / Double(avgReadingSpeed)

// 3. print the estimated reading time..
print("✨✨✨\nEstimated reading time: [readingTime] minutes\n✨✨✨")

As you can see, I’ve used a static configuration property to transform Readometer to a root command and specify a subcommand. The Estimate subcommand similarly conforms the ParsableCommand protocol and takes over functionality from the root.

If you’re wondering why subcommands are needed in the first place, you’ll find out soon enough when you add multiple utility capabilities to the Readometer tool.

Finally, adding a flag is just as simple with ArgumentParser’s @Flag property wrapper.

struct Estimate: ParsableCommand {
@Argument var filePath: String
@Flag var verbose = false

// Defines the average reading speed in words per minute (wpm)
static let averageReadingSpeed = 200

static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(abstract: "Estimates Reading Time.")

mutating func run() throws {
// 1. Extract only text contents from the file
// let plainText = try Readometer.getFileContents(from: filePath)

if verbose {
print("Estimating reading time for '\(String(describing:inputFile?.pathString))'")

// 2. Calculate the estimated reading time in minutes..
// let wordCount = Readometer.wordCount(from: plainText)
// let avgReadingSpeed = Readometer.Estimate.averageReadingSpeed
// let readingTime = wordCount / avgReadingSpeed

if verbose {
print("Word count/Avg Reading Speed: \(wordCount)/\(avgSpeed)")

// 3. print the estimated reading time..
print("✨✨✨\nEstimated reading time: [readingTime] minutes\n✨✨✨")

It’s finally time to implement an important functionality in your little utility tool. Integrate the following assistance methods and uncomment the relevant commented out sections.

extension Readometer {

static func getFileContents(from filePath: String?) throws -> String {
// Get the path to the file
guard let inputFile = filePath, !inputFile.isEmpty else {
throw RuntimeError("Please provide the path to a file as an argument.")

// Load the contents of the file into a string
guard let fileContents = try? String(contentsOfFile: inputFile) else {
throw RuntimeError("Couldn't read from '\(inputFile)'!")

// Determine file type
guard let fileType = FileType(filePath: inputFile) else {
throw RuntimeError("Unsupported file type '\(inputFile)'!")

let plainText: String

switch fileType {
case .text:
plainText = fileContents

case .markdown:
// Strip Markdown syntax if necessary
guard let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(
pattern: #"(!?\[.*?\]\(.*?\))|(\*\*.*?\*\*)|(__.*?__)|(`.*?`)|(\*.*?\*)|(_.*?_)|#.*?\n|\n-{3,}\n|`{3}.*?\n|`.*?`"#
) else {
throw RuntimeError("Failed to read Markdown file '\(inputFile)'!")
plainText = regex.stringByReplacingMatches(
in: fileContents,
range: NSRange(fileContents.startIndex..., in: fileContents),
withTemplate: "$1")

return plainText

static func wordCount(from plainText: String) -> Int {

// Split the plain text into words and remove any whitespace or non-alphanumeric characters.
let words = plainText.components(separatedBy: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
.map { word in
word.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted)
.compactMap { $0.isEmpty ? nil : $0 }

return words.count

enum FileType: CaseIterable {
case text
case markdown

init?(filePath: String) {
guard let type = FileType.allCases.first(where: {
}) else {
return nil
self = type

var fileExtension: String {
switch self {
case .text:
return ".txt"
case .markdown:
return ".md"

// MARK: - Error

struct RuntimeError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String

init(_ description: String) {
self.description = description

Build and run!

How to define multiple subcommands

Wouldn’t it be great if your tool could count the words in your article file as well? You can add this additional functionality if you include a second subcommand called — word-count. This is what it should look like:

$ readometer word-count <a file path> --verbose
Word Count: 2073

Duplicate the Estimate type implementation and change it to look like this:

struct WordCount: ParsableCommand {
@Argument var filePath: String
@Flag var verbose = false

static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(abstract: "Word Counter.")

mutating func run() throws {
// Extract only text contents from the file
let plainText = try Readometer.getFileContents(from: filePath)

if verbose {
print("Calculating word count for '\(String(describing: filePath))'")

let wordCount = Readometer.wordCount(from: plainText)

print("🎉🎉🎉\nWord Count: \(wordCount)\n🎉🎉🎉")

Let’s change the Readometer type's configuration to look like this:

static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "A Swift command-line tool for estimating the reading time of articles.",
subcommands: [Estimate.self, WordCount.self],
defaultSubcommand: Estimate.self

Keep in mind that each subcommand is ultimately independent and can specify a combination of shared and unique arguments. The purpose of duplicating the Estimate type was to demonstrate its nature.

Adding enhancements to the tool

There are a few improvements that you can make while keeping usability and convenience in mind as your tool eventually assumes its final form. Let’s look into these.

Named Options

For the article file path, the tool only needs one argument, and it works just well. However, you can include an additional method for providing input files to improve the clarity of the argument available with the tool. Make the following changes:

@Argument var filePath: String?
@Option var inputFilePath: String?
@Flag var verbose = false

The @Option property wrapper represents a command-line input that looks like --name value>, with the name derived from the name of your property. But since the property name is slightly lengthier, you can use the property wrapper to specify a custom shorthand, as illustrated below.

@Option(name: [.short, .customLong("input")]
var inputFilePath: String?

Update the run() method in both the subcommand types.

mutating func run() throws {
// Get the path to the file
var inputFile: String? = options.inputFilePath
// if users are familiar with argument, we will make their life easy.
if let filePath = options.filePath {
inputFile = filePath
// Extract only text contents from the file
let plainText = try Readometer.getFileContents(from: inputFile)

// ..
// ...
// ....

With this update, you should also be able to do the following:

$ readometer estimate --input <a file path> --verbose
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


If you observe closely, each subcommand specifies its own arguments, but they are identical, implying that it makes more sense for it to be shared among subcommands in this scenario. With the help of ParsableArguments, you can achieve this.

struct Options: ParsableArguments {
@Flag(name: .shortAndLong)
var verbose: Bool = false

@Argument var filePath: FilePath?

@Option(name: [.short, .customLong("input")])
var inputFilePath: FilePath?

In the above example, I’ve defined a ParsableArguments type with properties that will be shared across multiple subcommands. Types that conform to ParsableArguments can be parsed from command-line arguments, but don’t provide any execution through a run() method.

Replace all the existing properties in your subcommands with following line.

@OptionGroup var options: Options

Providing Help

You may have observed that when the `-h` or `— help` flags are used, `ArgumentParser` automatically generates help for any command. But they are missing the descriptions. Let’s add that now by passing string literals as the help parameter:

struct Options: ParsableArguments {
@Flag(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Show status updates for debugging purposes.")
var verbose: Bool = false

@Argument(help: "The input file path.") var filePath: FilePath?

@Option(name: [.short, .customLong("input")], help: "A path to a file to read.")
var inputFilePath: FilePath?

Give it a try now.

$ readometer --help

Installing the tool

It’s time to put your tool through its paces and see how it performs.

Demo of Readometer CLI Tool

More than ready to ship, it seems. How do you ship it then?

To use it personally or manually, you’ll need to build it with the release configuration and copy the executable generated in the .build/release folder into the /usr/local/bin folder.

$ swift build -c release
$ cd .build/release
$ cp -f Readometer /usr/local/bin/readometer

Or, use Mint to install the Package using:

$ mint install ajithrnayak/Readometer

That’s all, folks!

This was my first Swift Command-Line Tool built using Swift Package Manager(SPM) and ArgumentParser. With these powerful tools, creating command-line tools in Swift is now easier than ever.

If you want to explore the code, you can find the Github repository for the Readometer here:

I’m sure you’ll now have a basic understanding of how to create your own Swift command-line tools using ArgumentParser. From here, you can expand upon the functionality of your tool and create more complex tools to boost your development productivity.

Let me know if you have any suggestions. Till the next one! ✌️

Hi! I’m Ajith, a senior software engineer and wannabe designer based in Bengaluru, India. With nearly a decade of experience in iOS development, I’m currently building immersive mobile experiences @Tarka Labs.



By day, I'm a senior iOS engineer, and by night, I tinker with web frameworks. I also blog occasionally at